Public transit to resume MuscaBus routes June 29

The city of Muscatine Public Transit division will resume regular MuscaBus routes on June 29.

All passengers will be required to wear masks while riding the bus at this time, the city said in a media release. “We will begin collecting fares again on July 1,” Amy Fortenbacher, Public Transit Supervisor, said in the release. “Passengers will be able to ride the buses for free on June 29 and June 30.”

Fares for MuscaBus are $1 per ride on the route buses and $2 per ride on the shuttles.

Fortenbacher said if a passenger purchased an April pass, they can request a July pass at no additional cost. Public Transit has a list of passengers who purchased an April pass and will verify that the passengers are on that list before issuing a July pass.

MuscaBus has been operating an appointment-only shuttle service since regular routes were suspended on April 6. The special shuttle service will continue through June 27.

Anyone who needs to schedule an appointment or who has questions about the service can call 563-263-8152. Appointments should be scheduled at least one day in advance and no more than a week in advance.

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