
Rock Island among 24 Illinois counties at warning level for COVID-19

The Illinois Department of Public Health shared a list of 24 counties in Illinois that are considered to be at a warning level for COVID-19.

Rock Island County is back on the warning level list, including Bureau and Jo Daviess counties.

ā€œBeing in warning status is just that: a warning,ā€ Rock Island County Health Department Administrator Nita Ludwig said in a separate news release. ā€œWe are heading in the wrong direction. Residents all across the Quad Cities should be wearing a mask, watching their distance and washing their hands. We know the rules are different in Iowa, but your efforts should be the same everywhere you go.ā€

Here are the county positivity rates as of Friday afternoon:

  • Rock Island County 11.0%
  • Bureau County 9.8%
  • Jo Daviess County 8.2%

The following are all Illinois counties health officials say are at warning level: Bond, Bureau, Cass, Clinton, Coles, Crawford, Cumberland, DeWitt, Edwards, Effingham, Greene, Jasper, Jo Daviess, Lawrence, Madison, Marion, Rock Island, St. Clair, Shelby, Washington, Wayne, Williamson, Wabash, and Union.

A county is considered at the warning level when at least two of the following metrics triggers a warning.

  • New cases per 100,000 people. If there are more than 50 new cases per 100,000 people in the county, this triggers a warning.
  • Number of deaths. This metric indicates a warning when the weekly number of deaths increases more than 20% for two consecutive weeks.
  • Weekly test positivity. This metric indicates a warning when the 7-day test positivity rate rises above 8%.
  • ICU availability. If there are fewer than 20% of intensive care units available in the region, this triggers a warning.
  • Weekly emergency department visits. This metric indicates a warning when the weekly percent of COVID-19-like-illness emergency department visits increase by more than 20% for two consecutive weeks.
  • Weekly hospital admissions. A warning is triggered when the weekly number of hospital admissions for COVID-19-like-illness increases by more than 20% for two consecutive weeks
  • Tests performed. This metric is used to provide context and indicate if more testing is needed in the county.
  • Clusters. This metric looks at the percent of COVID-19 cases associated with clusters or outbreaks and is used to understand large increases in cases.

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