Family Running 5k Races for Charity in All 50 States Running in Iowa Today

Photo: anton5146 / E+ / Getty Images

(Polk City, IA) -- A North Carolina family is traveling across the country to run a 5k in every state, and today, they're running in Iowa.

Air Force Pilot Jeremy Hough, his wife Kelly, two teen daughters Campbell and Caroline, and their two dogs are running a 5k in every state and Washington, D.C. to raise awareness and funds for the non-profit organization Smile Train, which provides support for children born with a cleft lip and palate. The family is in Iowa today to run a 5k in Polk City as part of their Miles For Smiles nationwide initiative. Their first 5k of the journey was in Alaska on September 11th, and they'll complete their adventure running a 5k in Hawaii on October 31st.

You can learn more information or make a donation about Smile Train and follow the Hough family's nationwide journey through Smile Train's website.

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