Photo: dangarneau / iStock / Getty Images
(Des Moines, IA) -- The next legislative session in Iowa is set for its first gavel two weeks from today. Leaders from both parties expect education to be a hot topic this year.
Republicans say they're focused on the state's higher education system. Rep. Pat Grassley (R-Butler County) will serve as Speaker of the House.
"I created a higher education committee this year with the intention of making sure that we're finding more efficient ways to deliver higher education in the state of Iowa," Grassley says. "And not just more efficiently. To make sure the results that we're getting are addressing the workforce issue that we've had in this state for the last several years."
Democrats, on the other hand, are thinking about the state's educational savings program. They say it's about accountability. Sen. Janice Weiner (D-Johnson County) will serve as the senate minority leader.
"In our view, if a non-public school is going to take state taxpayer funds, the taxpayer has a right to know where that money is going and why," Weiner says.
The session begins January 13th.