The Glenn Beck Program

The Glenn Beck Program

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Supreme Court Unanimously SHAMES Leftists With Its Trump 14th Amendment Rul

For months, the mainstream media and Democrats in Congress have tried to convince the American people that Colorado SHOULD be allowed to kick former president Donald Trump off the 2024 ballot. And they insisted that if the Supreme Court overturned this ruling, it would be the fault of the "right wing" justices. However, the Supreme Court has now ruled unanimously that Colorado can't use Article 3 of the 14th Amendment to remove Trump. This was a big failure for the media, Glenn and Stu argue. But did the Court still leave a way for Democrats to remove Trump from office?

TranscriptBelow is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: The big news today, is that the Supreme Court said, no.

Colorado, you can't do that.

The states can't take a national candidate, off the ballots.

Because of the 14th amendment.

Because the state has nothing -- the 14th amendment is something that the Congress would have to do.

STU: Yeah. That's basically what they're saying.

And it's -- it's fascinating on the legal front. It's a little more complicated than the happy headlines. Which I am happy about.

Legitimately, happy about.

GLENN: Nine-zero.

STU: Nine-zero. Unanimous ruling. Including Sotomayor. Which I'm shocked.

Sotomayor, is essentially AOC.


GLENN: She's a clown of the court. She really has no --

STU: She really is ridiculous.

And she's trying to make herself out to this sort of Ruth Bader Ginsburg figure. Now Ruth Bader Gisnburg was a hardcore liberal, but a serious liberal at some level.

Where I don't believe Sotomayor is. But this was so obvious, they could not do this. Even Sotomayor was on board for this. And also Ketanji Brown Jackson.

All three liberals. They do have a qualified yes on this.

And they say, basically, we agreed that Colorado couldn't do that. That's the issue in front of the court.

We believe the majority has gone too far. Basically the only way this can be implemented is by legislation of Congress.

They kind of leave it open. As to what federal powers can be utilized there. But it is kind of -- it's interesting to note, they did write a dissent here.

And say, hey. Wait a minute. We're not going as far as the majority is.

If you want to go down. Do you want to go down the full house of cards situation here for just a second.

GLENN: Yes. Oh, yeah.

STU: Which is kind of -- it's hilarious in a way. They're basically saying, Congress will basically pass a law saying, that he engaged in insurrection. And therefore, should be thrown off the ballots. As we know --

GLENN: And you can't do that right now. Because the House belongs to the Republicans.

STU: The Republicans.

Now, the Republicans have a very small majority here.

GLENN: Uh-huh.

STU: A couple of House seats somehow changed.

God forbid. And this -- this situation changes. So that's one thing to think about.

Another thing to think about.

And again, we're going the full house of cards situation here.

This is not going to happen. I'm telling you, it's not going to happen.

GLENN: I wouldn't rule anything out.

A dog-faced alien, could come down and take over the White House, on January 7th.

And I would be like, well, didn't see it coming.

But uh-huh. Makes sense.

STU: Yeah. You know, you know, I guess, you could say, the whole house of cards thing, had a lot of -- the show had a lot of crazy turns.

GLENN: Yeah. Which all looks tame at this point.

STU: Yes. He made his wife president, spoiler alert.

Also Kevin Spacey was married to her. Also spoiler alert. Wouldn't have happened in real life.

There's been developments in that case, that may make you understand that.

But going beyond the house of cards thing. In theory, let's just say Donald Trump wins.

The presidential election. And the Democrats hold the Senate, and turn over the House.

That new Congress takes seat on January 3rd.

You'll note, a couple days before, January 6th.

So you'll have a new -- in theory, democratic Congress, democratic president, that could theoretically come up with it. And it seems like --

GLENN: All they have to do is, he was an agent.

An agent of insurrection. And therefore, cannot be president of the United States.

STU: Now, there's reason to believe, in the ruling, that the Supreme Court would not allow this to happen.

But still, it's theoretically possible, that they could vote and say, yes. He's an insurrection. We will pull you off the ballot.

And then you would have a couple of days to get this over.

The way I would think I would understand it. Whoever Trump chooses as VP, essentially, would take over.

It would be, they would put Biden in for longer.

Or some democratic would be named.

Look, if the American people elect Donald Trump and they just pulled him off.

No. You have to go with your VP now. There would be a little bit of uproar over that.

Again, not going to happen. But still, it is a fascinating.

GLENN: What makes you say. I mean, I don't think it will happen either.

I don't think it will happen.

But you say it with such certainty.

What makes you say it with -- you know what is crazy is, we used to say, you know, these things aren't going to happen?

And we would -- we would fairly -- we would believe it. Because crazy things haven't happened.

You can't use that same kind of conviction anymore.

STU: I say it the same way I said it, to start this show.

That Donald Trump was be the not going to lose in court today.

I knew he wasn't going to lose in court today. There was no way he was going to lose in court today.

However, there was definitely a way he could have lost in court today, and we would all be screwed.

In reality, I can't imagine anything like this happening. Just to give you the outline, possibility, of whether you should get all your preparation supplies and head to the mountains, right now. Like, if that were to happen, God only knows.

GLENN: If that would have happened today, I would have gotten all my stuff, and head to the mountains now. I would have.

STU: Seriously, you would have. You would have been at the ranch.

Can you address one other part of it too. Separate from all the legal back and forth.

Which we will I'm sure, cover over the next couple of days. In more depth.

Can we just stop and pause for a second?

And focus on how seriously the media as a whole, took this ridiculous ruling from Colorado. And the idiotic Lawrence Tribe-esque experts who told us it was the right thing.

They said over and over again, oh, actually, this -- this can happen. And it's absolutely right.

And we saw expert after expert. Trotted out on television.

To tell us, no. Really, this is the right way to go.

This is really what's going to happen. And the Supreme Court very well might overturn this. And then nine-zero.

GLENN: And then I may say, convinced people who, if they would just use their common sense.

When it first came out. You would say, they can't do that. They can't do that happen

STU: We know that.

Because he's not been charged with insurrection or anything else. He can't do that. These people came on television, and convinced half the country, that that was reasonable, and really, not just possible. But could be likely.

STU: And the only thing that would stop it is this right-wing Supreme Court. That, of course, would go with --

GLENN: Nine-zero.

STU: But then it was 9-0. And you had even Sotomayor on board for it. So an embarrassing failure for the media yet again.

It's important to note these things. Even though I sound like a broken record on it.

They convinced half the people in the country, that, oh, yeah. Well, this is obviously the right thing. Nobody believed it was the right thing.

There was never any hope for it legally in the courts. It was always a dead end.

It was a hail Mary of Hail Marys of Hail Marys of Hail Marys. And they decided to try it.

Because they're throwing every piece of spaghetti against the wall, to see if it would stick. They never had a chance. It was always absurd. The people who put it through in the California Supreme Court.

Should be ashamed of themselves. They knew it wasn't real. They knew it wasn't true, and they did it anyway.

GLENN: Well, I will tell you, we're sitting knee high in spaghetti right now. And that will continue. And it will get faster and faster. And it will get worse.

They are just trying anything and everything to win. Ethics.

The ends justify the means. So look at -- we made -- in the end, drown in a pile of spaghetti. Because this is their approach. And I'm telling you, the law fair that is coming our way, is going to be insane.

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