Quad Cities Health Departments Clear Air On COVID-19 Coronavirus Testing

QUAD CITIES - Officials with the Scott and Rock Island County Health Departments are clearing the air regarding confusion regarding COVID-19 coronavirus testing.

KWQC TV6 reports the health departments are reserving a limited supply of kits for those with more severe symptoms rather than using them on people with milder cases.

Rock Island County Health Department Administrator Nita Ludwig tells TV6, ""If this is the case, you likely will not need a COVID-19 test because we know COVID-19 is already in our community and spreading." If symptoms get worse, they should call a hospital emergency room or tell 911 they could be positive for COVID-19 coronavirus.

Ludwig says that every time they conduct a COVID-19 test, they are using some of their personal protective equipment that is in limited supply. Gowns and masks are needed for health care providers and hospitals to help those who are very sick.

Health officials remind people that symptoms include fever, cough and shortness of breath. If you have any of these symptoms make sure to contact your health care provider.

Also remember preventative measures that include washing hands, avoid touching your face and stay away from social gatherings with more than 10 people.

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