Davenport to conduct series of controlled burns starting this week

If you smell smoke in the air this week, don't be alarmed. A series of controlled burns will be taking place starting this week and continue through the end of the year.

Davenport Public Works says the burns will help native plants. “What the public may not know is native plants require fire, or periodic burning, to thrive and to control the spread of invasive and noxious plant species,” Urban Conservationist Brittany Ackerland said. 'Because fire is vital to the health and productivity of these important ecological systems, the City conducts controlled burns in the spring and fall to keep these natural assets working."

The series of controlled burns will occur between October 15th and December 31st at the following locations:

  • Littig Detention Basin (behind the Littig House at 6035 Northwest Blvd)
  • Creek buffers along Duck Creek Recreational Trail east of Harrison St and at Valley Vista and George Washington St
  • The prairies at Sunderbruch Park
  • A bioswale located off of 55th St and Utica Ridge Rd.

Davenport Public Works provided more information about the controlled burns in the statement below:

Because controlled burns rely heavily on different aspects of the weather such as: wind speed, wind direction, relative humidity, plant moisture content, etc. we cannot provide the exact date and time the burns will take place at each location; however, at a minimum, adjacent/affected property owners will be notified and signage placed when burns are being conducted. Burn permits and prescribed burn plans are in place for the burns to be conducted and the Fire Department will be on site to assist with burn control as needed.
When the burns are conducted, weather conditions are monitored for wind conditions that will conduct smoke away from occupied buildings. However, closeness of some buildings to the burn areas may mean that smoke will be present and may enter buildings despite best efforts to prevent it. It is recommended that persons with smoke allergies or asthma keep their windows closed when a burn is being conducted and for several hours afterwards. These persons may also wish to leave their homes if they are able during the burn to avoid smoke exposure.

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