Muscatine Community College temporarily closed this week due to COVID-19

Muscatine Community College is closed this week due to COVID-19 concerns.

MCC will be closed October 26th through November 1st, including the main campus, Ag Learning Center and the Button Factory Locations.

The EICC website said the decision to close MCC was “due to a small but significant number of positive and presumed positives among employees as well as a sharp increase in the Muscatine County 14-day average positivity rate. To ensure the safety of MCC students and employees, the leadership of both Muscatine Community College and the Eastern Iowa Community Colleges decided to close for a week in order to complete testing of all those who may have had direct contact with COVID-positive cases".

The site also said this will allow those who want to get a COVID-19 test for reassurance to do so and that everyone who was believed to have had potential direct contact with a positive employee has been contacted. EICC said they’ll be using the time to perform additional deep cleaning and will continue to monitor health and safety conditions on their campuses.

The campus is slated to reopen on Monday, November 2nd. Meanwhile all other EICC campuses will remain open, including the Learning Tree Childcare Center.

(Photo by Muscatine Community College)

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