Two significant upcoming projects could impact travel around the areas of Brady Street and Veterans Memorial Parkways.
Davenport Public Works says the southbound Brady Street left turn lane, onto Veterans Memorial Parkway, will be closed between Sunday, November 1st and Sunday, November 15th for IDOT pavement restoration. Drivers using the location as a turnaround due to the closure of interstate exits should proceed to 55th Street and turn back onto Brady from there. All other drivers should proceed to 53rd Street for eastbound travel.
During the same time frame, there will be periodic closures and lane reductions on and along Veterans Memorial Parkway between Jersey Ridge Road and Elmore Avenue. This is due to required reinforcement work per Iowa DOT specifications. Davenport Public Works says an effort will be made to minimize traffic disruptions while work is completed. However, officials say detours are possible while repairs are made.
(Photo by the City of Davenport)