The Fulton County COVID-19 Task Force will be holding a drive-thru COVID-19 testing site in Canton and in Lewistown.
The goal of the 2-day event, according to officials, is to make testing readily available to anyone no matter if they’re showing symptoms. The testing is open to anyone and will be free. “Those with health insurance cards are asked to bring them, but there is no cost or co-pay,” officials said in a release. “For anyone under the age of 18 they must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.”
The site, which will be operated by the Illinois Department of Health, will have the nose swab and results will be available in 4 to 7 days. Testing is open to anyone, not just Fulton County Residents.
Canton test site:
On November 2 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Located at the high school on 1001 North Main in Canton
- Participants are asked to enter the school off North Main and drive into the main lot on the south side of the school. Those being tested will be asked to remain in their cars unless directed by staff from the Illinois Department Of Health.
- There will be no testing inside of the school buildings.
Lewistown test site:
On November 3 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Located at Fulton County Farm Bureau at 15411 N IL 100 in Lewistown
- Participants will be asked to enter the south entrance, drive thru and exit the north entrance. Those being tested will be asked to remain in their cars unless directed by staff from the Illinois Department Of Health.
- There is no testing inside the Farm Bureau Office.
“The drive thru testing is something we’ve wanted to launch once our positivity numbers started to increase," officials said in the release. “Once the numbers began to increase, we immediately set out plan to bring this resource to the most valuable team members, the residents of our County. Our goal on this is to make testing available to every County Resident no matter their income or if they show symptoms.”