BETTENDORF, Iowa - A Davenport West High School teacher was arrested Friday morning. 58 year old Clinton Van Fossen is accused of video recording women without their knowledge in his home in Bettendorf in December and January.
KWQC TV6 reports that Van Fossen is charged with five counts of invasion of privacy and one count each of electronic and mechanical eavesdropping and obstructing justice.
Bettendorf Police received a cyber tip from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children about a teenage girl being recorded, sometimes in the nude. The arrest affidavit stated this was likely without knowledge. Two cameras looked like smoke/carbon monoxide detectors and were found in a bedroom and a hallway.
Police contacted Van Fossen on January 7th about the hidden "spy" cameras and he denied having any knowledge of them. Police also found videos taken in October that showed him on a cell phone looking at the camera and then adjusting its direction. There is also evidence that Van Fossen bought a new cell phone in Davenport after talking with police. The phone Van Fossen was seen with hasn't been found.
Videos found also confirmed that women who stayed in the bedroom with the camera were recorded. Some were undressing. The footage also shows the cameras allowed Fan Fossen to hear conversations.
Videos confirmed that two people stayed in that bedroom between December 26th and January 4th. They were recorded nude on several occasions. The women say they did not know they were being recorded.
Online records show that Van Fossen is being held in the Scott County Jail on a $10,000 cash bond.
The Davenport Community School District was notified this week of the investigation. Van Fossen is on administrative leave with pay pending the outcome of the investigation that is ongoing.
Photo courtesy of KWQC TV6.