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(Des Moines, IA) -- A Presidential Disaster declaration is being issued for a number of Iowa hit hard by severe weather this week. The declaration covers Adair, Polk, Story, and Montgomery counties. The Federal Emergency Management Agency and U-S Small Business Administration are now authorized to provide assistance to those counties. FEMA Director Deanne Criswell visited Greenfield on Thursday to review damage from Tuesday's tornadoes that killed five people.
The U-S Department of Agriculture has also approved Iowa's request for disaster help in the form of U-S-D-A loans for farmers. The assistance covers farmers in nearly 30 Iowa counties, impacted by severe weather on April 26th. Counties included: Adair, Adams, Audubon, Boone, Carroll, Cass, Clarke, Crawford, Dallas, Decatur, Fremont, Harrison, Jasper, Lucas, Madison, Marion, Mills, Monona, Montgomery, Page, Polk, Pottawattamie, Ringgold, Shelby, Story, Taylor, Union, Warren, and Wayne.