The Glenn Beck Program

The Glenn Beck Program

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Exclusive: Former UK PM SLAMS Labour Party for possible US election interfe

Around 100 staffers for the United Kingdom’s Labour Party are reportedly campaigning for Kamala Harris in America. Former UK Prime Minister Liz Truss joins The Glenn Beck Program with her reaction: "Who's paying for their airfare? For their accommodation? Has that been properly accounted for? Have the receipts been produced?" Because while their actions could be legal, this could become a case of foreign election interference, depending on the money trail. Plus, Truss comments on the leaked plans from the Center for Countering Digital Hate (which has ties to the current Prime Minister and the Kamala Harris campaign) to "kill Musk's Twitter": “It's why we need X. I mean, Elon Musk is effectively the leader of the opposition now in Britain.”


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: The former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Elizabeth. Or Liz Truss. Welcome, Liz. How are you?

LIZ: I'm very well. Great to be on the show, Glenn.

GLENN: Thank you. So I'm sorry. I just don't know.

Do we still call you Prime Minister?

GLENN: Not in person.

GLENN: Okay. Not in person.

So, you know -- I don't know if you remember this. But we met earlier this year.

And we exchanged a few words. But in listening to you speak and everything else, I thought, I -- this problem is bigger than any of us thought it was.

And it is deep, deep, deep in the structures of not only our country. But England, as well.

They're going in a different direction, than what they're telling people.

Is that. Did I read you right?

LIZ: That is absolutely right. It was only -- I've been a government minister for ten years. And it was only when I got into 10 Downing Street, that I understood the full-scale of what we were up against.

Because it isn't just the political parties.

It's not just the civil service.

The left, has successfully captured the institutions, in Britain.

And it is going to be a very, very big struggle.

To be able to change things here.

And, you know, we now have an even worse situation.

We have a socialist government.

GLENN: Yeah.

LIZ: They're trying to cancel free speech. They are trashing the British economy. People are leaving Britain. Millionaires are leaving Britain, at a faster rate than any other country in the world, at the moment.

GLENN: Jeez.

LIZ: So we're in a very, very difficult situation. And the -- the Labor Party, again, for free speech will be aware that they have attacked X. They have attacked Elon Musk repeatedly.

GLENN: Oh, yeah.

LIZ: Because that is one of the few avenues where people are really hearing the truth and what is happening.

GLENN: So there is a story that was just released yesterday. Internal documents from the Center for Countering Digital Hate, whose founder is a British political operative, Morgan McSweeney, now advising the Kamala Harris campaign.

The internal plans show the group, in writing, plans to, quote, kill musk's Twitter, while strengthen as he does its ties with Biden/Harris administration and the Democrats, like Senator Amy Klobuchar, who has introduced multiple bills to regulate online misinformation.

So it is showing that something that is in your country. Started in your country.

Partly funded by us. And now brought into our administration.

Is actively working with our administration. And I would assume, in some ways, your administration.

Not yours. But, you know, the -- the administration of Great Britain. To silence speech.

We're -- our governments are in cahoots, doing really bad things. To the public.

Are they not?

LIZ: And just to be clear, Morgan McSweeney is now the chief of staff to the Prime Minister. So this man is incredibly senior within the party's administration. And there have been numerous public attacks on X, by the Prime Minister.

Now, I don't believe that he will succeed if he takes on Elon Musk.

But the mentality, isn't to have an honest discussion about what's happening in Britain.

The mentality is to try and quash any dissent, and stop people talking about the very real issues that are affecting us.

For example, the sheer scale of illegal immigration, into this country.

So we have a very worried government.

And I would be following the US elections. And comments by Hillary Clinton, comments by members of the Democrat campaign.

And it seems to be the same thing, going on. Not only are they putting in place, these disastrous policies, they're also trying to stop anybody from talking about them.

GLENN: I've been talking about this for a while. I've been trying to get people to understand. This is not about left versus right.

Democrats versus Republicans.

This is about elites. And against the people.

And the people know they're being lied to.

How can there be a problem throughout the entire West, of illegal immigration.

At the scale we've never seen ever before, in the history of the modern world. Paragraph and our press, in every single country, is treating it, exactly the same.

As are the administrations.

That doesn't -- that doesn't compute, it doesn't work out, mathematically, to be a coincidence.

JUSTIN: And you're right about the public.

The public understands there is a problem. They really are fed up with the mainstream media in Britain.

The not telling the truth about what's happening, and presenting things in a way that is very far from their real experiences. You started off, Glenn, by saying England is doing this to the US system. It's not England. The English people.

The British people are --

GLENN: Are with us.

LIZ: Very much concerned about illegal immigration.

GLENN: Yes, I know.

LIZ: It's the -- it's the Labor Party. It's the media elites. It's the corporatists, and it's the civil service and the bureaucracy, which does not want to learn.

GLENN: So how much of a role did this play in the destruction of Donald Trump and you?

LIZ: What happened to me was the Bank of England, were -- and they've admitted this since. Were responsible for the market turmoil that took place in October 2022.

But the British media, adopted the narrative that it was my fault.

So they took the narrative, from the Labor Party, from the Bank of England.

And they simply repeated it. And they repeated it to this day.

Even though the Bank of England put out an official report. Saying two-thirds of it was their fault.

Ask what I think is changed about the media.

It's no longer a neutral arbiter. It is pushing a particular narrative. And a particular agenda.

And I see the same about Donald Trump.

If you look at what CNN puts out, they are not interested, in what the truth of the situation is.

You know, even the reporting of, you know, President Trump's visit to McDonald's.

I mean, it just was some ludicrous. Ludicrous media commentary on that.

And I think it is a massive problem.

And it's why we need very strong independent media here in Britain.

It's why we need X.

I mean, Elon Musk is effectively the leader of the opposition now in Britain.

That is the situation we're in.

GLENN: Yeah. He is in Brazil.

He is really all over the world.

He is -- and I don't think he could do it, if he wasn't the richest man in the world.

But he is truly the last gatekeeper. If he goes down, there is -- there is no gatekeeper, in power, currently today, that will keep the gate of freedom of speech, alive.

That's a little terrifying.

LIZ: That's right. And in the United States, you have the First Amendment. We don't have that in Britain.

GLENN: I know.

LIZ: We're in a worst position for the protection of freedom of speech.

And we have seen people very recently jailed, for things that they have put on social media.

GLENN: Yeah. They've gotten.

LIZ: These may not be wise things that are put on social media, but there are other people who are being let out of jail who have committed --

GLENN: I know. I saw a story from England that was a pedophile, got less time than somebody who said something stupid on social media.

That person, they threw the key away. But person who was a pedophile, didn't have the same kind of sentence at all. That's madness!

LIZ: It is madness. What has happened is that our judiciary is no longer accountable. It's no longer accountable the way it was.

And this goes right back to the 2000s.

And it was the government that took away the accountability from our judiciary. And they outsourced so many decisions that used to be made by politicians.

Have now been out sourced to the bureaucracy.

And they are not accountable to anyone.

Not accountable to anyone.

GLENN: Yeah. Exactly what he did here.

So are you optimistic that because this is such an octopus. That, quite honestly, has the -- the intellectual power of the world. At the universities.

Has the money of the corporations. The power of the state. The power of the media.

This is going to be really hard to kill. This is a hydra. Are you -- are you optimistic that the people can win all around the world?

LIZ: The number one thing is the people are on our side. And they are becoming increasingly frustrated. And you saw that in Britain, of the last election, where it was the lowest proportion of the electorate voted for the two main parties because they are so frustrated.

That whoever they vote for, into office, they get the same policies. Because the bureaucrats are still there. So the people are on our side.

And that is our big strength.

It's going to be very important that Donald Trump wins the election, in the United States.

I hear good things, Glenn.

You're closer to the ground than me.

But this is vital.

And it isn't just vital to America. It's vital to the west overall. Because I can imagine what a Kamala Harris presidency will do for things like freedom of speech.

And it is not pretty.

GLENN: Especially in collusion with Starmer in England.

Great Britain. That's terrifying.

JUSTIN: That's right!

GLENN: Can I ask you, the Labor Party is doing something that is apparently legal here in the United States, as long as there's no money changing hands.

I would like to see anybody from Great Britain come and knock on doors in Texas.

They wouldn't really be welcome.

But you have 100 people from the labor party.

Socialist Party now. Coming over to the United States, and helping Kamala Harris, not only through advising. But actually, on the street, working for her campaign.

I've never seen that before. Have you?

LIZ: No. And given the rumination that they're bringing to Britain, I don't know why any American would think, that is what they want, in the United States.

Our energy prices are four times your energy prices because of our net zero agenda. Because we're not doing fracking. These are the kinds of policies, these people are advocating.

So I don't think any American, would want to listen to them.

I think there's a question though, these people who are coming over.

Who is paying for their airfares?

Who is paying for their accommodation?

Has that been properly accounted for? Have the receipts been produced?

Those are the questions I would be asking.

GLENN: If the Republican Party or the Democratic Party came over and did the same thing, how would -- how would the people of Great Britain react?

LIZ: Well, it would be. It would be a problem for the -- because under our electoral law, you have to be a British citizen.

GLENN: Yeah.

LIZ: To donate to the campaign.

GLENN: Right.

LIZ: And if the Americans have flown over. Who is paying for their flights?

That would count towards election expenses, and it would be classified as a foreign donation, which is illegal.

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